Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Premiere Planning

Editing of "Spirits Among Us" is complete, but post-production as a whole, and making preparations for the premiere showing and cast party are far from complete. Gail and I are scrambling to get out invites, and sort out all the other details. Our church is promoting the movie alongside the promotion for our showing of Rich Christiano's movie "Time Changer" on the weekend prior to the premiere. It will be a couple of fun, busy weekends. I am getting very excited.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Final Edit Rendered

Editing of "Spirits Among Us" is complete! Praise the Lord for that! I enjoy the editing process. Even though it is a tremendous amount of tedious exacting work, I like it. But, I needed to get this part done so I could get to the dvd authoring, planning the premiere party, and get the movie on the market. And then of course, start on the next project(s) that I have in my mental storehouse of plans.
I just packaged the dvd to go to a film festival (International Christian Film Festival in Irvine, CA) and to a potential distributor. We will see how those pan out.
The premiere party is at 7:00 pm on October 4, but there is much preparation to do.
YeeHaww the edit's done! (sung to the tune of "ding dong the witch is dead"). I have the strangest songs get stuck in my head.