Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Final Edit Rendered

Editing of "Spirits Among Us" is complete! Praise the Lord for that! I enjoy the editing process. Even though it is a tremendous amount of tedious exacting work, I like it. But, I needed to get this part done so I could get to the dvd authoring, planning the premiere party, and get the movie on the market. And then of course, start on the next project(s) that I have in my mental storehouse of plans.
I just packaged the dvd to go to a film festival (International Christian Film Festival in Irvine, CA) and to a potential distributor. We will see how those pan out.
The premiere party is at 7:00 pm on October 4, but there is much preparation to do.
YeeHaww the edit's done! (sung to the tune of "ding dong the witch is dead"). I have the strangest songs get stuck in my head.

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